Do you feel stuck in an area of your life?

Are you struggling with a key personal or professional relationship?

Do you find yourself in a transition where what worked before doesn’t any more?

Would you like to live a life that is clearer, calmer, and more in line with your values?

I am Carine De Bruyn and  I'm a coach, mentor, and sounding board for those who are interested in growth and  transformation, in their personal or professional lives.  
Learn more about me here

My Approach

awareness & observation

Growing in awareness and the ability to observe our own way of being, and that of our surroundings,  is a key to growth and transformation. Our own thoughts and narratives, our moods and emotions and our bodies form an integral part of our way of being. Learning to make shifts in these domains lead to lasting change.

I could work with you in a safe and confidential way to grow in this area.

Click here to learn more.


Growing in self-definition and taking personal responsibility for our own way of being and destiny, is what ultimately leads to the transformation of oneself and of contexts we are part of. This is true in a relationship, family, team or business context.  In simple terms it means shifting from a focus on others to oneself leads to personal and collective growth.

I could work with you in a safe and confidential way to grow in this area.

Click here to learn more.

practise & reflection

Growth and transformation also come through a consistent commitment to thoughtful practise and reflection. Putting into practice new information, taking time for reflection and then incorporating what we have learned anew, leads to change in our way of being and doing.  This stands in contrast to our default of gathering more and more information while remaining unchanged as we continue to operate in our habitual auto-pilot mode.

I could work with you in a safe and confidential way to grow in this area.

Click here to learn more.